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Tips for learning a new language

julio 24, 2024/

Learning a new language can open a big door when it comes to getting a new job abroad or traveling around the world to learn about new cultures. It is an ability desired in many fields, like international business,…

The Spectacled Bear: The Guardian of the Paramo

julio 14, 2024/

The Spectacled bear is the only Southamerican native bear. Their name comes from the light stains around their eyes that resemble lenses. This species is endemic, which means that it can only be found in its natural habitat along…

Celebrating the 4th of July

julio 14, 2024/

The Fourth of July is not only the national holiday of the land of the free and the home of the brave. It is the mindset of people who have fought and earned the right to be called Americans…

How to achieve your goals

julio 14, 2024/

Reaching our goals is one of the most important activities that we must do if we want to be happy and grow up as a person. There are tons of advices and tips that we can learn from different…

Water Rationing in Colombia

junio 12, 2024/

The effect of global warming is wreaking havoc worldwide. The temperatures are rising in every continent and Colombia is not an exception. Since the beginning of the year 2024, Colombia has experienced one of the most catastrophic droughts in…

Reef Resilience: A story of Hope and Conservation

junio 12, 2024/

Around the year 2016, one of the most catastrophic environmental events occurred in the waters of the Pacific Ocean; the bleaching of the coral reefs of the Great Barrier due to the increase of temperature around the world caused…

Marie Curie : An amazing woman

junio 12, 2024/

In 1920, in Warsaw – Poland, a really important person, who would revolutionize the sciences, was born, specifically chemistry and physics. Her name was Marie Curie, a woman who earned a great distinction of being the first woman to win a…

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Aprende inglés Chía

Carrera 13 N° 13-33 P.2 San Luis Centro.

Aprende inglés Villavicencio

Carrera 39 N° 32-32 Barzal Alto.

Aprende inglés en Colombia

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322 7802258

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Lun. a vie. 08:00 - 21:00

Sáb. 08:00 - 17:00


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